Li Zhenqin
PostDoc 2022
2022- PostDoc, Westlake University, China
2017-2022 Ph.D. Physical Chemistry of Materials, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese academy of Science, China.
2013-2017 B.E. Inorganic materials science and Engineering, Central South University, China.
Bai Ping
PostDoc 2023
2023- PostDoc, School of Engineering, Westlake University, China
2017-2022 Ph.D. Department of Applied Physics and Science Education, and Eindhoven Hendrik Casimirinstitute, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
2013-2016 MSE College of Physics, Optoelectronics and Energy and Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Soochow University, China
2008-2012 B.E. School of Science, QiLu University of Technology, China